Thu, Sep 19, 2024

Last 10 Days of Ramadan – Deepening Faith through Night Prayers in the UAE

Last 10 Days of Ramadan – Deepening Faith through Night Prayers in the UAE

Capture the spiritual essence of Ramadan’s final nights…

During the last 10 nights of Ramadan, late-night prayers called Qiyam al Layl become very important for Muslims around the world. These nights are special to get closer to God and find inner peace.

During Qiyam al-Layl, Muslims pray and remember Allah, thinking that this special time helps clean their spirits and find peace inside. Even with busy lives, the residents of UAE put these prayers first because they know they’re crucial for their spiritual journey.

Some might change their work hours or take time off to focus on these prayers, seeing it as necessary for their spiritual well-being.

The late-night prayers are seen as a direct line of communication with Allah which helps nourish the soul and gives a chance to think about oneself and seek forgiveness.

During these nights, Prophet Muhammad (PBUH) conveyed a profound message, reminding believers of Allah’s mercy and blessings. He shared that during the last third of each night, Allah descends to the lowest heaven, seeking those who call upon Him, ask for His gifts, and seek His forgiveness. This teaching highlights the importance of sincere worship during these special nights and the abundant blessings that accompany it.

For those trying to keep up with these prayers regularly, Dr. Abdul Hameed (an expert in Islamic law) gives helpful advice. He suggests having a genuine intention, sticking to a good sleep schedule, and preparing spiritually before bedtime. By realizing the importance of Qiyam al-Layl, Muslims can build determination and dedication in their spiritual journey.

Ultimately, staying dedicated to spiritual growth is crucial for enjoying the significant rewards of these special nights.

Uroosa Ahsan

Meet Uroosa Ahsan, a proactive writer constantly seeking new topics to explore. When she isn’t crafting content on her laptop, she's busy cooking tasty treats for her nearest and dearest. She has joined our team to break down complex topics into easily digestible content for you.

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