Fri, Sep 20, 2024

Should UAE Limit Social Media for Kids? Expert Insights

Should UAE Limit Social Media for Kids? Expert Insights

In the wake of a recent Florida law prohibiting social media use for children under 14, experts in the UAE are deliberating…

Florida recently passed a bill, signed by Governor Ron DeSantis on Thursday, which prohibits children under 14 from using social media. This development has sparked discussions in the UAE about whether similar rules should be implemented locally. Some experts support the idea, saying it shields kids from social media’s harmful effects. Others disagree, arguing that educating kids about online dangers is more effective than a ban.

Those in favor of the ban say it protects young minds from cyberbullying, inappropriate content and addiction, which can lead to mental health issues like anxiety and depression. They suggest the UAE could consider a similar law.

Amit Saraswat, founder of PhysioVeda Medical Center and a Dubai-based healthcare expert, said:

“By limiting access to social media platforms, Florida aims to protect impressionable minds from potential cyberbullying, inappropriate content, and addiction that can lead to anxiety, depression, and social isolation. The UAE, with its commitment to prioritising the welfare of its citizens, could find merit in implementing a similar rule.”

However, some experts worry that banning social media outright might not be the best approach. They believe kids need to learn how to navigate technology responsibly since it’s a big part of their future. Banning social media could also isolate kids from their friends, as these platforms are often how teenagers communicate.

“We need to ensure that our pupils are world ready and we know the large part that technology and social media plays in the lives of our children, so a ban may not suitably prepare our children to make the right choices in future. Also, a ban on the use of these platforms runs the risk of ostracising children from their friendship groups, given many of these platforms are a key component in the communication between teenagers, whether we like it or not,” said Scott Carnochan, Head Master of Brighton College Abu Dhabi.

Experts stress the importance of parental guidance. They recommend setting rules and limits for social media use, discussing online safety, and being aware of what content kids are exposed to. However, they acknowledge that each family may have different approaches that work for them.

Dr Charlotte Cousins, Clinical Psychologist and lead of Children and Adolescent Services at Sage Clinic said:

“There should be an agreement on what social media platforms youngsters will have access to, and there should be boundaries set for the time spent on them. There should also be a discussion on online safety as well as agreement regarding how to deal with content they come across that they find distressing.”

Overall, experts agree that while social media can be a valuable tool, it’s essential to teach kids how to use it responsibly and to provide them with alternatives to screen time for healthy development.

Uroosa Ahsan

Meet Uroosa Ahsan, a proactive writer constantly seeking new topics to explore. When she isn’t crafting content on her laptop, she's busy cooking tasty treats for her nearest and dearest. She has joined our team to break down complex topics into easily digestible content for you.

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